BotFest 6

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BotFest 6

Post by Ocracoke »

8th of June 2024

10:00 - 18:00


Following feedback from competitors from BotFest 4 & 5 (you can talk to us on our Discord Server), we will be adjusting from our previous rulesets for the first time since inception of the event. They are changes to the following, largely based on the AWS ruleset ( to encourage newcomers and diversity to the sport:

• The 4in cube rule has been changed to the “Eh, looks like 4in” rule. In short, even if the robot does not strictly meet the 4” cube rule, so long as it looks as if it might, then it is accepted to the event. Robots that are obviously bigger than 4in will not pass tech check.
• The 5% allowance on weight limits remain but non-rollers are permitted to have double, so they are:
Antweight: 157.5g (Roller) / 315g (Non-Roller)
Fleaweight: 78.75g (Roller) / 157.5g (Non-Roller)
Nanoweight: 26.25g (Roller) / 52.5g (Non-Roller)

For the purpose of clarity, a Non-Roller includes Walkers, Hovers & other forms of motion permitted by the BotFest crew. If you are unsure, talk to us.

• All heat fights are 2 minutes. All other fights except the All Robot Gladiator are 3 minutes. The All Robot Gladiator is unlimited in time.
• All teams are permitted to enter up to 3 robots of any motion type. You can bring a 4th as reserve/whiteboard robot only but all will be tech checked. Whilst not a hard and fast rule, we do advise separate drivers for the 3 robots in the main event to ensure smooth running of the event.

BotFest 6 is a round robin event with robots split into 8 heats (4 if numbers do not warrant) and everyone fights each other in their heat and then quarters, semi and finals. The more robots who come, the more fights overall. If one of Team Kaizen’s robots (i.e. my robots) make either 1st or 2nd place in the heats, they will be disqualified and the 2nd and/or 3rd place robots will progress.

We are planning to really up our game with dedicated AV person running the cameras and having a dedicated set of 3 judges rather than me running around doing everything so we can compose this into a proper YouTube video in a timely manner (4 & 5 are well behind schedule). This will serve as a pilot for how we plan to run & film BotFest 7.

As part of this, we do need clear photographs of the robot a week prior to the event so we can put up title cards for the video.

This is a quite laid back event, ideal for both newcomers to the sport and for experienced peeps looking to get their new designs tested before a major event like AWS. No objections to people coming to watch if so desired. Similarly, if you want to volunteer as a judge, please let me know.

Whilst this is a free to participate event (i.e. we don’t charge for the event), I highly encourage everyone to use the on-site cafe.
Team Kaizen

AW: Amai, Ikari, Lafiel, Osu, Ramu
BW: Shu!, The Honey Badger
FW: Azriel
MW: Jibril, Kaizen
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