General info on the event is on this webpage and the hall of fame, complete with brackets and links to videos, is here. Tournament winners get a gold medal and rumble winners get a silver medal.
Events take place on the second Sunday of each month at 18:45 going on for about 45 minutes with around 20-23 total fights, with at least 4 guaranteed per roboteer. The arena stays in place for the whole night so roboteers and audience members can have some whiteboard time between musical acts.
Usually we get between 6 and 10 robots, with one per roboteer to make draws and formats easier and to make sure we get a contested final. Additional robots can be brought and subbed in for the rumble if roboteers wish. No size limits, walkers can be up to 300g and due to the roofless arena, no spinners, high KE weapons or sharp/barbed edges are allowed.
We also have a drummer soundtracking the fights in real time, which adds some atmosphere.
Remaining dates this year: 12 May, 9 June, 14 July, 11 August, 8 September, 13 October, 10 November, 8 December. Roboteers are being sought for all dates so don't be shy about getting involved!
Signups are on Rampage (created about 3 months in advance) or just by messaging me - there's a group chat I can add you to. Roboteers get in free and can stay for as much of the gig as they like.