It's a really interesting venue of underground arches (with a bar!) and we're running multiple rooms of stuff - we've got an antweight lounge with two arenas (BBB's and Tom Baker's) and a sandpit table, as well as a beetleweight arena room with a newbie focussed competition going on.
We've sold a tonne of spectator tickets and the beetleweight comepetition is full, but the antweight sign ups have been lacklustre!
We'd be up for running an antweight comp if there's enough attendees. If you'd like to come it's £5 entry to help us cover venue costs to - you'll be on the entry list and free to access all the ant arenas, we're opening to roboteers 11:15, and to spectators from 12:30, finishing up by around 19:00.
Here's the floorplan: