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Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:33 pm
by Knappster
Well the PICAXE's are cheap and they can be networked together using I2C I think. So having more than one processor in a ant would make sence. Also makes the design of the system alot easier. Instead of having one chip try to do everything, one chip could do steering one could do weapon control etc... cos these chips are so low weight and they don't need alot of external components.

tbh I think if AI ants had there own rules I would say make the weight 175g, that would allow for the extra component weights like sensors and switches etc.. but if the ant is controlled in anyway by external controls the limit would be 150g as normal. Doesn't matter how AI is involved in the running of the ant, if it has external input/s it must be 150g.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:41 pm
by Adam Hargreaves
well the AI, on my DT is based on a hunting instinct, which has a line detector built in so it knows if it's about to drive off the edge (yes I know the arena rarely has a line round the edge, but otherwise, my project'd be stuffed!) I'm actually using PICAxe for mine-some 08Ms for the 38kHz IR robot detection bit, and a 28pin one (28X, I think) for the actual robot driving. Weapon modules will have their own PICAxes to control them...

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:04 pm
by Andrew_Hibberd
I am sure no one would mind about a line taped arround the edges so that it avoided the walls, would they?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:18 am
by paul
personaly i would say if you do have tape for AI ants have it a few centimeters away from the edge cos an AI bot could easily over shoot especialy if its a fast one.

just a thought.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:44 pm
by BeligerAnt
paul wrote:...if you do have tape for AI ants have it a few centimeters away from the edge ...
No! The line needs to go right to the edge. Otherwise the bot finds itself pushed over the "wrong" side of the line and then drives off the edge of the arena by following it's "head away from the line" instinct. :(

Autonomous bots absolutely need some way of "seeing" the edge of the arena. This must necessarily put some restrictions on the arena. I would suggest a (matt) black arena with a white border. Probably best to steal this sort of stuff from the minisumo rules, as they are well-proven and there's no point in trying to re-invent the wheel!

Minisumo also has quite a big exclusion zone around the ring to try to reduce the chances of robots "seeing" a spectator and merrily charging off the edge of the arena in pursuit! (Most of them aren't that bright. - The robots, not the spectators! :wink: )

I don't think anyone is likely to develop a fully-autonomous ant that could take on a human-controlled one anytime soon. Don't underestimate the processing power of the human brain and the sheer complexity of human sensors!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:48 pm
by olivers
It would be fairly easy if you had the outer 3" of the arena painted white and the inner area painted darker.

By using LDR's and bumpers it would be easy to make a pushbot. If both ants had IR sensors and transmitters it would be very easy to do.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 12:37 pm
by Remote-Controlled Dave
I dont think they'll be able to beat a "human powered" ant, but I'd still love to see one.
I'll try doing my arena top black with a white outline then, seen as though Adam's bringing his to my event. Maybe an interchangable top though.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:24 am
by Andrew_Hibberd
I should have an autonomous robot arround easter. Next terms project is to build a seven dwarf robot, so with some minor code changes i can make it hit the nearest thing rather than avoid. There is a surface mount option too, so i can save some weight. Must add lipos and a wedge :D nothing to intellegent, ultra sound sensors.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 1:47 pm
by Rhys
Dave26 wrote:I'll try doing my arena top black.
Oh noes!


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:47 pm
by Remote-Controlled Dave
Erm...maybe not. Rhys would gain camoflague advantage!