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Anime and Manga

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:22 am
by olivers
The O/T board has been a bit quiet recently so needs a new topic.

I know a few people on the forum are into a bit of anime/manga so this should liven stuff up.

What i'm watching at the moment:

Naruto (subbed version, not the bad Toonami translation)
Fate/Stay Night (best anime at the moment)

And reading:

Maho Sensei Negima (magic teacher Negima)
Battle Royale
Ai Yori Aoshi (bit girly but I liked Love Hina)
GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka)

So who's next

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:50 am
by Flippt
Well, you cant miss the Naruto episodes, even though theyr only fillers at the moment.

I dont watch anime or read manga as I used to, been cought by World of Warcraft :P

The animes I would recomend:

Transformers (maybe more like cartoons, but they are still good)
Wolf's rain (OMG Wolfs!)
Elfen lied (It involves alot of blood and nudity)
Hellsing (You cant be a real anime freak if you havent seen this serie!)
Hack//sign (no comment)

Thats what I can remember for now, I'll maybe add some later.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:22 am
by olivers
Tried to read my brothers copy of Helsing (he loves it) but couldn't get into it. He also likes Berserk but can't get into that either.

I liked Elfen Lied, watched the anime but haven't read the manga

I have loads at home I have to watch, don't have time.

have seen 29 of the top 200 and got 5 on the PC to watch

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:45 pm
by peterwaller
anime and manga is that the Japanese version of Will and Grace. :roll:

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:50 pm
by olivers
Not quite, think Bootsie and Snudge.

My mum remembers them (just)

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 3:47 pm
by Remote-Controlled Dave
What the hell????? lol :o

Last Manga film I saw was Millenium Actress. Nothing to shout about really, but I watch them from a film-lovers perspective, I don't actually get right into it that much.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 6:54 pm
by paul
has anyone seen ghost in the shell, stand alone complex gig 1 that is definatly one of the best manga tv series ive ever seen, mind you, i cant find any copies of the last episodes, argh, its so anoying, i want to know what happens!

ps, hello all, just remembered this earlier, when i got a note saying my team website was gonna be deleated. ah well, so i searched for this forum and decided to have a look around, im unlikely to start agin, ive got alot of stuff on at the moment, but hey, some of you might remember me =)


Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:57 pm
by olivers
I loved Millenium Actress. Bit hard to watch at first due to the way the film maker puts himself in her back story.

Paul, I have all of GITS:SAC 1st and 2nd Gig with Tachikoma specials. I have the 1st Gig on DVD and avi and the 2nd Gig as avi.

Either PM me or send me an email oliver.steeples 'at' if your interested. I don't want to turn the forum into a file swapping site.

Will have to bring a list to AWS 20 :)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:08 pm
by Marco Roberts
Oooh nice topic

Yeah im a big fan of anime and manga. Have not really watched many new ones for a while. (Not much money and rubbish uni internet conection).

All time favs
Naruto - fav on going series
Akira - fav film
Evangelion - favorite one off seasson series
Love hina - one of my fav comedy mangas

I got a few new ones recently tahnks to the expo

Im reading the battle royal mangas and they are good.
I have the first 3-4 stand alone complex dvd's and yeah me likes
Recomend full metal panic fumoffo, watched them about 2 years ago when they were released in japan and watched the sub. Legally since it wasnt licsenced. Now though they have started to appear on dvd dubbed
Maddox 01 is an old mecha fav of mine

ooh cant think of any more id recomend.

Saw milleniam actress on and off, dont ask was asleep half the time. Nothing exciting.
Marco out

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:06 pm
by olivers
I've been a busy boy recently watching loads of anime and reading the occasional manga so I thought I would kick this topic into life.

Gunslinger Girl, young girls trained to be assassins. 30 mins of name that gun
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, 1st ep is bad. Others are good. Recommended
High School Girls, just finished watching this and nothing special
Ikki Tousen (Battle Vixens), bit childish for me
Ai Yori Aoshi, I liked it. Sort of toned down Love Hina
Popotan, not sure why I downloaded this
Love Love, thought was less perverted than it is
Rumbling Hearts, can see why this is a top rated anime